The Graduate Certificate of Security Studies (BESS)
General training objectives
The training in the cycle of Patent Security Study, the International School of Security Forces aims to:
Develop the spirit and competence of student officers in security matters
To promote among his officers:
Openness and the prospective vision of the world
Strategic and operational thinking
The search for an integrated approach in crisis resolution
Taking into account the prospects of developing inter-African security partnerships
To prepare the trainees on the one hand for the command of an operational group of security made up of gendarmerie force or police in the national frame and on the other hand, the functions of officer of staff of force of security, gendarmerie and police, within the state Majour de Mission (Peace Support Operation) and Component Staff
To train credible interlocutors capable of being forces of proposal near the political authorities
At the end of the EIFORCES training cycle, the officers must be able to:
Participate in the design, planning and conduct of (security) operations in a national or international context
To serve as a police component commander in peace support operations
Exercise responsibilities within the components and the central administration in an international or inter-ministerial framework
Exercise longer term important command or leadership function