These 20 and 21 September 2022, EIFORCES, in line with the dynamics of linking up with asset accounting as defined by the Ministry of Finance (MINFI), its financial supervisory body, organised a seminar to raise awareness of the subject at its Awaé campus.

Led by two experts from the MINFI’s Department of Public Accounting, the seminar was attended by about fifty officials including the Director General, the Deputy Director General and heads of the institution’s sub-programmes.

At the end, participants were able to grasp the tools for presenting financial statements that give a true and fair view of EIFORCES’ assets and liabilities.

Specifically, this involved:

  • recalling the legislative framework as well as the context that governs the reform of asset accounting;
  • providing the actors with skills in the techniques of inventory, codification and evaluation of the movable and immovable assets of EIFORCES;
  • equipping the actors with end-of-year work techniques and the drafting of financial statements.

In his closing remarks, the Director General of EIFORCES expressed his satisfaction to facilitators and participants on the quality of the presentations as well as the high standard of the exchanges./-